I’d like to welcome you to my new web site about my kinky life.
It’s a frantic, crazy life being Alexia and finally I’ve got my own site to pull all the strands of my kinky, fetish life in one place.
My life revolves around kink. I travel throughout the UK and Europe for sessions, photo shoots and sometimes just to meet up and play with friends.
So my home base would be central Scotland, either in Edinburgh’s Maison de Debauch dungeon under the stewardship of Mistress Inka or in Glasgow Dungeon with the ever sadistic Mistress Vixen.
You can book me for sessions at either location either as a submissive or for photoshoots.
It’s in promoting my two home dungeons that I’ve been most active recently in my graphic work and projects.
I’m delighted to have worked with several Dommes in making posters and logos to promote fetish events.
So over the coming months I’ll share my adventures, giving you a window onto my world and maybe you might get in touch and we can play sometime.